Come Home to The Simpsons

shot for shot recreation of The Simpsons’ opening.

[vimeo 9184674]

Dark Side of the Lens

Here’s your daily inspiration.

Pete Eckhart – blind photographer

Truly inspirational story about Paul Eckhart, an artist who did not let his loss of his sight equate to a loss of his passions.

Volkswagon – The Force


Daniels – Happy Holidays

A Day After Cosmos

Amazing short-film by Jun Kang. Beautifully shot and edited.

Something’s Lurking

fantastic ad from Psyop for LG

Killian Martin – A Skate Regeneration

An Open Letter to Kanye West

By now, I’m sure you have all seen Kanye’s “banned” artwork for his upcoming album. It has caused quite a stir all over the web. Over at The 1st Five, John-Michael Bond wrote a pretty fantastic article about how Kanye could essentially save music.

It’s easy to blame the free fall in music sales on piracy. Frankly it is a big part of it. But the two main killers of the music industry that no one is talking about is the death of social music and the death of music retail. That first one is a rant for another day, but the death of music retail is something you can have an affect on.

We, the music buying and listening public, need you to make a big deal about the strangle hold of places like Walmart over music retail sir. And we need you to do it in a big, smart, way.

Head over to the site for the full article.